Apache Spark with Scala training in Pallikaranai, Chennai

Apache Spark one of the Top 10 Hottest Tech Skills in Job Market. Apche Spark is upper hand in Big Data technologies used mostly alongside with Apache Hadoop and Apache Kafka.

Spark offers bundle of advantages like real time streaming data process, distributed in-memory processing, Fault tolerant and it run workload/job 100% faster.

This course designed such a way to handle real time solution to the big data problem. SPLASH - covers not only to install and use the tools, we also offer in-detail about Apache Spark and its ecosystem tools.

Big data job market is diverse, most popular job description in big data is, Hadoop Administrator and Big Data Developer. SPLASH - customized Big data Developer training and Spark with ML traininig in Pallikaranai, Chennai.

Big Data Spark with Scala training syllabus


Introduction distributed computing - HADOOP and SPARK

  • What is Big data
  • Big data problems
  • Why Hadoop platform
  • What is Hadoop
  • What is Spark
  • Why spark
  • Evolution of Spark

SPARK programming language - Scala

  • Functional Programing Vs Object Oriented Programing
  • Scalable language
  • Scala Overview

SPARK Cluster

  • Installing Spark
  • Configuring Apache Spark

SCALA working Environment

  • JAVA Setup
  • SCALA Editor
  • Interpreter
  • compiler

Detailing of Functional programming - Scala

  • Benefits of Scala
  • Language Offerings
  • Type inferencing
  • Variables
  • Functions
  • Control Structures
  • Vals
  • Arrays
  • Lists
  • Tuples
  • Sets
  • Maps
  • Traits and Mixins
  • Classes and Objects
  • First class functions
  • Clousers
  • Inheritance
  • Sub classes
  • Case Classes
  • Modules
  • Pattern Matching
  • Exception Handling
  • FILE Operations

Deep Dive into Spark

  • Spark Shell
  • Parallel Programming
  • context
  • RDD
  • Transformations
  • Programming with RDD
  • Actions
  • Broadcast Variables
  • Accumulators

Spark EcoSystem overview

  • Spark Streaming
  • MLlib
  • GraphX
  • Spark SQL


Big Data has various stage, like data streaming, distibuted data storage, Processing, creatting data Lake, reporting and visuvalization. Each task is pipplined to others, Creating pipleline task and integrating in realtime environment is the real challenge. Hadoop HDFS mainly deal with Batch processing. Apache Spark deal with real time data processing, advanced analytics.

We at SPLASH - Offers traininig on creating big data lake and No-SQL based Operational data lake

SPLASH - A DATA training institute. Provides training on cutting edge technologies like Deep Learning with PyTorch, TensorFLow. We make the trainee to understand the statistics concepts. Yes.. Machine Learning is built upon Statistics. we offer statistics training in Python and statistics with R training in Pallikaranai chennai / Online.