SQL for Data Science Training in Pallikaranai, Chennai
One of the most discussed question is, Why SQL for Data Science.?
- Its everywhere, almost all the industries using it
- Its known to All IT professionals
- One like to acquire skill in Data Science, Having plenty of experience in RDBMS SQL
- There is an alternative No-SQL, still RDBMS holds 65-70%.
What I can do Data Science with SQL ?
- Data Loading into structured format (= Pandas Dataframe)
- Data Pre-processing
- Using SQL String Functions to Clean Data
- Data Munging / Data Wrangling
- Explore and Analyze data in SQL.
- Hanling NULL values - using COALESCE funtion
- Feature Extraction
- Split Datset into Train & Test data
Statistics analysis using SQL training in Pallikaranai chennai
What I can not do Data Science with SQL ?
Before taking SQL for Data Science course anywhere, Plz be understand that SQL doesn't have any Data Science,Machine Learning Function like R, Python, SPARK, Java. But using SQL one can do most of the process required to do before aplly into ML algorithm. Still if you have strong Theory bheind the the Statistics and Prediction, One can do
- Statictics with SQL : Pearson’s Correlation
- Statictics with SQL : Simple Linear Regressions
- Statictics with SQL : Student's T Test
- Statictics with SQL : Moving Averages
SQL for Data Scienece - Training Syllabus
Module 1 – Introduction to SQL
- SQL - Introspection
- SQL vs No-SQL
- SQL Tables, Constrains over view
- Loading dataset for analysis
Module 2 – SQL Data Manipulation
- Data subsetting
- Selecting rows/observations
- Selecting columns/fields
- Filter data
- Data subsetting
- Merging data
Module 3 – Merging & Aggregate
- Aggregate funtion usung Group By clause
- Apply Filtering in Aggregated Data
- Infer simple Statictics using Aggragated funtion
- Merging Different Dataset
- Explore multiple scenarios of Merge
Module 4 – SQL Window Functions for Analytics
- Window Functions using the OVER() Clause
- Ordering Data in Window Frames
- LEAD and LAG Functions
Module 5 - Data Pre-processing with SQL
- Data Pre-processing
- Using SQL String Functions to Clean Data
- Data Munging / Data Wrangling
- Explore and Analyze data in SQL.
- Hanling NULL values - using COALESCE funtion
- Feature Extraction
- Split Datset into Train & Test data
Module 6 - Interacting with Data Science Platform
- How to access databases using Python
- Analyzing data with Python
- Python Package for Data analysis - Pandas, sklearn
- Prediction - using Regression Model
Still SQL is demand in Data jobs (35%) & Data Analytics(51%) jobs mentioning with specific Skills. In both categories Python, Hadoop & R just behind SQL.
If you are connected to full fledged data science programe
Python for Data Science or
R for Machine Learning.
Though there is huge demand for SQL, in just last few years No-SQL dominance SQL. are you fascinated about database, have a look on
our No-SQL MongoDB Traininig syllabus.
SPLASH - A Data Training Institute. Experts in the filed of DATA. We have 12+ years of experience in RDBMS and 4+ yaers of experience in Big Data, Have implemnted morethan 5 Big Data projects. Our
Training course and syllabus more cutomized towards the job market.